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Managing prescription spend: Introducing Maxor’s PMPM guarantees


Small employer groups don’t have a lot of leeway when it comes to pharmacy benefit costs. Maxor’s PMPM guarantees avoid complex pricing scenarios and mitigate risk so the true cost of a pharmacy benefit plan can be seen. These guarantees help with managing prescription spend, controlling costs, and regulating volatility all while maintaining health outcomes and protecting patient safety.

Our PMPM guarantees create value in a number of ways. Predictability, control, transparency, and accountability are key. Calculating costs on a PMPM basis and averaging them over membership and time allows for better financial planning and budgeting as well as long-term financial stability. By monitoring PMPM costs, customers can identify trends, manage utilization, and implement cost-savings measures, like pass-through and discount programs. Seeing costs on a per member basis means easier assessment of the value and effectiveness of MaxorPlus’ programs. And a straightforward contract with information on pricing, performance, and exclusions allows customers to see where they stand from the very beginning.

Maxor manages the guarantees, meaning there is less for customers to do. We implement a variety of cost-savings programs to get prescription costs down, allowing for customers to start meeting financial targets from the get-go. We also provide an annual reconciliation report each year which outlines all the dollars spent and whether the guarantees were met.

To learn more about our PMPM guarantees, please fill out the form below.

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